sunnuntai 19. toukokuuta 2013

Diverse Universe

 "Historically, performance art has been a medium that challenges and violates borders between disciplines and genders, between private and public, and between everyday life and art, and that follows no rules."
RoseLee Goldberg
 This week (Wednesday, 15.05) an abandoned factory building (tulitikkutehdas) was transformed into a Live Art and Performance area, in the context of a slightly underground, international, nomadic performance art festival "Diverse Universe". This festival involves over 200 international artists and unites about twenty cities all over Europe, at Tampere were performing such artists as: Amber Lee, Hiroko Tsutsimoto, Christine Olsen, Non Grata: Anonymous Boh and Devilgirl, Peter Rosvik, Mathieu Sylvestre, Terho Sire and J.K. Ihalainen
 It was a unique evening, showing pure art with no artificial boundaries. I was especially spellbound and captivated by a visual aspect of performances. I see no need  in verbal explanation of "acts"; as performance art is something that can be only seen, it is born in the moment of performance, and lives only in it.



"Isn't it fun"

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